The Speares

Living the life in Gravenhurst

Papua Barat




On this bright and sunny morning we're off to Wasior, known for its quiet beachfront resorts and quaint Bed & Breakfasts. And torture of course, but mostly the seaside stuff.



Imagine you hear airplane noises as we bank away from Manokwari.


We'll be leaving the mountains behind shortly.


And pretty much just follow the coast down to Wasior.


Rumberpon Island to the left. Touristy, though remote.


Here's our destination up ahead. Almost everything you can find on the area is written in Bahasa, which I haven't used much since high school. I believe there was a horrific flood some years back, and a wildfire that was set deliberately by people clearing forest. And another reference to the Wasior Incident. If I were the mayor here I think I would get some positive things happening online to represent the town.


Man, this place is rustic. I hope those buildings there are all hotels and restaurants. Speaking of remote, tomorrow it's Bugalaga. I bet you've never heard of it.