The Speares

Living the life in Gravenhurst

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug




Another day of west I'm afraid. I thought we could go south but there just aren't that many airport options. So off to the land of the Cossacks!



That's really quite a big military base.


Might be bigger than the town.


We can follow the Anadyr River for a piece.


Until it does this. This is like following spaghetti.


Here we go. Markovo. Apparently, only 5% of the population has an income, the major industry being subsitence reindeer herding. Also quite a bit of history to do with Cossacks and the Revolution if you're a history buff.


I think this is the airport; in any event it's where we're landing for the night. Tomorrow for sure, we start heading south. Dobroy nochi!