The Speares

Living the life in Gravenhurst





Last flight in Indonesia. Today it's Merauke, almost as far as Indonesia goes in this direction. "Sabang to Merauke" is a saying of sorts in Indonesia, sort of like "Sea to Shining Sea". Not wanting to mess with the saying is one reason Papua is not likely to gain independence. Anyhow, we're rolling!



This is going to be largely bush today.


I spoke too soon. Some kind of giant farm where the bush should be.


Okay, that's better.


Let's see what's happening on the coast.


Not much.


Kumbe. Getting close.


And there she was. Merauke. The big tourist attraction here is a giant ant nest, so that just gives you some idea of the wonders that await the traveller here.


And that's a wrap for Indonesia. Tomorrow we're off to the Land Down Under, which begs the question, Under Where?