Today we could follow the river, as all rivers here flow into the Bering Sea, but it will be a lot faster to go overland. Not much scenery I'm afraid.
Farewell river.
Hello hills.
A nice cotton candy effect with the morning sun on a cloud.
Up ahead to the right is the Koyuk Inlet off Norton Bay. We've made it to the Bering Sea and also to this side of the decommisioned Bering Land Bridge, although we've been in Beringia since around Whitehorse.
Elim up ahead somewhere. Another Iditarod checkpoint.
This is crazy. It's almost high noon.
Here's our stop, Nome. This is the finish line for the Iditarod challenge, which actually comemorates the delivery of diptheria serum to Nome by dog sled back in 1925. There was a raging epidemic going on here, but they couldn't fly the medicine in from Anchorage due to a huge blizzard, which doesn't stop dogs. BTW the race is named for the ghost town of the same name that is approximately the half way point of the race.
Last stop in the States. Time to brush up on my Russian for tomorrow.